• 1. Material requested is to be used for teaching, studying, research or any academic purposes.
  • 2. The material requested is not available in LFO Library OR the status of material in LFO Library is either "On Loan, Missing, Lost, OR Damaged".
  • 3. The requestor is advised to identify the Library which has the material that he/she is requesting as well as to provide the information as requested.
  • 4. The courier fee will be borne by the requestor (as set by the lender).
  • 5. The Library reserves the right to recall items on ILL before its due date. A fine of RM0.50 per day will be levied for overdue books or after it has been recalled. Renewal is permissible subject to approval from the lending library.
  • 6. Each customer can borrow only 1 (ONE) book at a time through ILL.
  • 7. Customer must responsible if any loss or damage of the book including replacement cost to the lender.


    *Please consult with the librarian via email or WhatsApp.